Captured on Video: the “Moment It All Clicked”

There’s no video. That’s the point. Rarely, if ever, there is a moment that you realize what you realize. Looking back on your life, can you tell me the moment you became the competent employee you are today? Can you recite the moment you became the cook you are in the kitchen? Here’s an easier one:

When specifically did you become an adult?

Was it a cool fall afternoon in 1999? An early morning in 2005? These are confusing questions because you likely are competent at your job. Surely, you can cook at a level you once couldn’t and you definitely became an adult. But, when?

The point I’m making here is that since these transformational processes rarely have singular inflection points, you likely aren’t seeing your current transformation in the gym either. In fact, looking for a singular moment might only lead to disappointment. 

The closest it gets in the gym is a day like we had Monday. Retesting a big lift feels like a day you can put on the calendar that everything changed. For example, one of our students deadlifted 300 pounds for a new personal record! But, when specifically did he become strong enough to do it? Surely, it was some unnoticeable moment before Monday. 

I invite you to somehow celebrate that you’re enrolled in the change you want and it’s happening. No one is going to tap you on the shoulder when you “arrive,” folks. I hope that knowing that fact can allow you to enjoy the process.

Don’t forget: it’s working.

3/22/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 5 rounds of the following:

6 Barbell RDLs


Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:

8 Landmine Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

12 Weighted Back Extensions


Then, AMRAP 6

8 Double KB Swings (44/26)

8 Push Ups


-Rest 3 Min-



8 DB Push Presses (50/35)

8 Fat Bar Inverted Rows




Paused Push Jerk



Push Jerk



Complete 3 rounds for time of:

400m Run

21 American KB Swings (53/35)

12 Pull Ups