Did you know the human eye has an innate fascination with fire? Yup! It was so critical to our evolution that we’re basically obsessed with fire. I’m not the only one that thinks so, in fact. Experts think that being able to harness fire was so core to survival that it’s become instinctual for humans to enjoy an open flame.
You’re invited to a community bonfire!
That’s right. Both DEUCE Athletics (Hermosa Beach) and DEUCE Garage (Venice Beach) are meeting in the middle for a social bonfire at Dockweiler Beach this Saturday at 5:30pm.
All are welcome to bring friends and family! We’ll enjoy snacks, beverages, good company, and FIRE! See you there!
2/20/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 Rounds of the Following:
4 Snatch Grip Deadlift
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
8 Staggered Stance RDLs (ea)
5 Partner Assisted Tuck Roll Ups
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
30 Air Squats
8 Devil’s Presses (60/40)
6th Street Hill Run
1 :06 Iso Hold Below-the-Knee
1 Power Clean
In 10 minutes, complete the following for reps:
800m Run
2, 4, 6, 8 Pull Ups
15 American KB Swings (53/35)
At 10 minutes, complete the following for time:
800m Run
Finisher: 3x 12 Side Plank Ups + :30 Side Plank (ea)