One of my more common phrases uttered is embarrassingly, “I should’ve communicated that better.” I hate that I say that so often because it’s a poor excuse for me being poor at one of the most vital things we do as people. Most of you reading this wouldn’t know I am an introvert because I get up in front of a room and coach and my profession is literally talking to people but I am. Outside of coaching I will have conversations in my head based on plans I make or things I observe and rarely do I ever voice them. This is a tendency I try to reshape every day.
But with all the self-deprecation aside, communication is paramount in our lives. Whether it is work or a spouse or a best friend, we have to be able to effectively communicate in order for those relationships to workout. It is so important that we have created a language of symbols for those who can’t hear and a system of raised bumps for those who can’t see. But with technology all around us, it has unfortunately become easier to talk and connect less on a daily basis.
Communication is one of those things that we all need to be good at and at the same time it seems only few people are actually effective at it. I don’t think anyone will ever be a perfect communicator but one thing is for sure and that is that we all need to get better at it. It’s an ongoing practice that we have to be aware of because if you don’t use it, you lose it.
Overall this was more of a letter to myself as an affirmation that I need to improve majorly in my communication skills. Maybe you can relate reading this and if it causes you to even pause for a moment to think about yourself, then my job is done.
Vulnerability is cool isn’t it?
8/11/22 WOD
Min 1: 2 Hang Power Clean + Power Clean
Min 2: 6 DB Front Squat
Then, EMOM 12
Min 1: 12 OH DB Reverse Lunges
Min 2: :30 Max Lateral Ball Slams
Min 3: 12 Double KB Swings
Reverse Lunge (ea)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
20 Banded KB Swings
8 Paused Birddog Rows (:03)
12 1-Leg Lateral KB Passes
Then, complete the following for time:
Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Slam Balls