While our non-profit, DEUCE Community Inc., is young, our work is bearing fruit. As more system, substance, and housing impacted individuals make their way through our developmental internship program we’re beginning to see real world transformation.
David is living an inconceivable life now within a year of getting out of prison.
We invited David Gonzales back to DEUCE Gym in Los Angeles to get an update about life after the program. Less than a year after being released from a long-term sentence, he is living a life that was previously unimaginable. David is now making nearly six figures as a strength coach and consultant in the Bay Area. You can watch his transformation above.
If you’re inspired by the work that we are doing, we invite you to make a contribution. Monthly recurring donations allow us to do this work and if we had more funding, we could help more people just like David.
7/29/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of::
8-15 Pull Up
12 Incline DB Bench Press.
20 Deadbug Leg Lowers – Arms against Bands
Then with a partner, complete the following for time:
1 Bull Run
50 Syncro Air Squats
1 Bull Run
50 Syncro Pushups
1 Bull Run
50 Syncro Burpees
Take 10:00 to build to a heavy Weighted Pull Up…
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 KB Upright Rows
12 Alt. DB T-Rows
15 Banded Face Pulls
Then, in teams of 3 or 4, complete the following for time:
30 Rounds:
100′ Sled Sprint