As communities open up worldwide in modified fashion, face coverings are either mandatory or suggested. In an effort to provide resources for life in this new world, we’ve created some performance DEUCE face coverings. They are both lightweight and easy to get in and out of in any context.
As we straddle the juxtaposition of reopening for business and taking action in the most important social movement of our lifetime, it feels odd at times to share communications about training, reopening procedures, and even masks. As a reminder, our commitment to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund and other critical organizations includes both 10% of all retail revenue in June and 2% of all membership dues until 2021 from all three DEUCE locations.
Thank you for joining us for a conversation that includes both communications about trivial gym things and conscious shifting humanitarian reform.
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
6/11/20 WOD
:15 Hollow Hold + 15 Hollow Rock
15 Tuck Jumps
– Rest 5 Minutes –
Conditioning for a score:
Complete 4 rounds for reps of:
In 3 Minutes…
400m Run
20 Lateral Jumps
Max Burpees
-Rest :90-
*Record total burpees