Of course, this place isn’t just a gym. Let’s not be ridiculous. DEUCE is probably as much of a gym as New Orleans is a “port city.” In that way, a small piece of this bigger picture is the brand and what it represents.
We’re excited to announce some new additions to our online store and pro shop. The signature DEUCE emblem comes in three different colors (red, white, and gold). Collect all three to hold the standard.
The shirts are thick quality fitting material that will wear both while training in the gym and out in social settings, as well.
Logan Gelbrich
6/10/16 WOD
Complete 2 rounds for reps:
15 Calorie Row
Max Push Presses (95/65)
-Rest 3 min-
200m Run
Max Burpees to Plate
-Rest 3 min-