HTS Summit Forces Reflection

The largest, most diverse Hold the Standard Summit in history went down this weekend. The two day course for leaders has made an impact in six countries for countless industries. The event hosted a record breaking sixty-three attendees through both technical and adaptive learnings.

While others have tried to sum up the course, I think that attempting so in a short article like this would set me up for failure straight away. The Summit has some mystic to it and I like it that way. What I do want to leave you with in the image above by Melanie Lim because it represents a key concepts for all of us, whether you attended the Summit or not.

Can you get enough perspective from yourself to see your biases for what they are? Can you see yourself over there looking through your limited lens? If you can’t, you’re likely stunting your growth. It seems like an impossibility (until it’s not), but most adults can’t see how their perspective has them held hostage. Wouldn’t it be much better if you had your frame rather than your frame having you?

If you’re fully confused, you’re likely unable to separate from the small, biased lens you’re using to  navigate the much larger truth of your world. In that case, maybe we’ll see you in a Summit in the future:

Hold the Standard Summit

Scottsdale – Sept. 7-8

Portugal – Sept. 21-22

Santa Fe – Oct. 12-13



Logan Gelbrich


3/12/19 WOD

Complete 6 rounds for max wattage of:

:15 Max Assault Bike Sprint

-Rest as Needed-


Then, complete 3 rounds for quality:

50′ Lateral Sled Walk – Left

50′ Lateral Sled Walk – Right

15 GHP Hip Extensions


Then, complete the following for time:

800m Run

60 Wall Balls (20/14)