Our Meat & Potatoes:
General Physical Preparedness (GPP)
Our General Physical Preparedness program is the meat and potatoes of DEUCE. And yes, this curriculum is for everybody. We pride ourselves on being a fully scalable program. From professional athletes to sedentary men and women just looking to lose weight, our program can have a life-changing impact. We believe if you have a body, you’re an athlete and you ought to train like one. All you’ve got to do is show up.
It’s all in the name. General Physical Preparedness (GPP) is designed to build the most broad, general, inclusive fitness possible. It says fitness isn’t what you look like; it’s what your capable of.
Governed by measurable performance, we can help students look, feel, and perform better. Period.
It’s too damn effective to ignore. It’s our view that we ought to be as flexible as we are strong, and fast as we are agile. Life is a mixed bag of events, and GPP is the single best training strategy to prepare for the unknown. It’s our view that the most fit people are ones with a capacity across the board, not just one particular area.
Everything starts with the mind. Chances are you may have been mislead this far as to what health and fitness looks like. Believe it or not, our students have changed their minds more than they’ve changed their bodies. Living a life of fitness can be fun, effective, and sustainable.
We utilize functional movements. These movements, often found in nature, do a great job at doing a great deal of work quickly. Think squat, push, pull, jump, run, press, and throw as opposed to bicep curls and crunches. You’ll learn the basic of gymnastics, running, jumping, Olympic weightlifting, and powerlifting.
We cover our bases with regards to performance by practicing training that’s constantly varied. Our program is light, it’s heavy, long, short, and there are intervals. Whether life presents a sprint or a marathon, you’ll be prepared.
We believe in a skill-based approach. If we can understand skill, we can understand the possibility of increased efficiency. It’s not about just doing more work than the next person, it’s about doing it better and easier.
We have classes all throughout the week. Given that our three pillars are performance, community, and lifestyle, we honor the “lifestyle” component by supporting students in an effort to train sustainably. Our coaches see to it that you train only as much as you are able to recover from. After all, this is about a lifestyle of health and fitness.
Gymnastics and Weightlifting Courses are included in our GPP memberships.
Upcoming Specialty Course Enrollments

Contact: meredith@deucegym.com

Contact: campbell@deucegym.com
Strength 101
Strength 101 is an 8-week program that explores and educates on different methods that produce strength. Each day is a standalone lesson that hyper-focuses on a specific topic. Lessons that are explored are variations of the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press. Training stress that are explored range from absolute strength, accommodating resistance, repetition method, and specialty bars.
Each day starts with prep specific to the day, followed by a main lift, and finished with accessory work that assists the main lift for the day. No experience required. Course ends with a heavy single to start the journey of strength.
COACH: Campbell Lillard
DEUCE Garage (Venice)
DEUCE Athletics (Hermosa)

Which course is for you?
Strength 101 is an introductory course for athletes who are not familiar with strength training.
Strength 202 athletes know things like:
- 1RM on major lifts
- how to set up bands on accommodating resistance
- the difference between high / low bar
- how to read tempos on the bar
- how to safely miss lifts
Strength 202
Strength 202 is a year-round course aimed for intermediates and on to test their max efforts. Strength tests occur in the variations of the squat, bench press, and the deadlift. Training consists from a blend of progressive overload and the conjugate system. Each day contains a warm-up, main lift (focus), accessory work, and finisher for soft tissue recovery. Testing occurs 1x a quarter.
COACH: Campbell Lillard
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Which course is for you?
Strength 101 is an introductory course for athletes who are not familiar with strength training.
Strength 202 athletes know things like:
- 1RM on major lifts
- how to set up bands on accommodating resistance
- the difference between high / low bar
- how to read tempos on the bar
- how to safely miss lifts
Strongman 101
This 8-week long course is an introduction to the discipline of the sport of Strongman. This is old school, folks. Think kegs, yokes, tires, atlas stones, chains, and a whole lot of fun!
Poorly named, “Strongman” isn’t just for men, nor is it just for the strongest people out there. This program, like our GPP, program is fully scalable. There’s no requisite strength or fitness level to participate.
During the 8-week curriculum you will meet twice a week to learn how to flip tires, swing a sledge hammer, lift atlas stones, lift and press kegs, use farmer’s handles, and carry a yoke. The training is a combination of strength training and metabolic conditioning.
COACH: Meredith Miller
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Strongman 202
Strongman 202 is a complete strength and conditioning program with a strongman focus. Though this is not a program just for strongman competitors, it was developed out of trial and error in preparation for California's Strongest Man and is influenced by the wonderful work of the good people at WESTSIDE Barbell.
Participants are expected to commit fully to at least four essential training days per week (max effort upper, max effort lower, dynamic effort upper, and dynamic effort lower). Optional event days and special exercises can be used to one's own discretion. With commitment to the program, athletes can expect to set two constantly varied PRs each week with little to no psychological stress. Athletes will train absolute strength and speed strength in a way that allows for unlimited potential for both. Accessory exercises are designed to improve imbalances and weaknesses. In addition, high rep exercises are used to prevent injury and increase recovery time without drugs.
The conditioning element is varied greatly, as well, and supports both aesthetic and performance goals. Oh yeah...and, this will be the most fun you've ever had in a gym!
COACH: Meredith Miller
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Bodybuilding 101
Most members of big box gyms are practicing bodybuilding style training without the information needed to make it work for them. Bodybuilding 101 was designed to arm our students with the right tools to make their aesthetic training goals a reality. This course is an introduction to the principles of Hypertrophy and Bodybuilding. In 8 weeks, students will develop a complete understanding of how and why we train muscles for aesthetics, and how to incorporate it into a functional fitness practice.
COACHES: Jess Ryan
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Bodybuilding 202
This is how your coaches train. Building on the knowledge and experience gained in BBC 101, this 5-day-a-week program blends our well rounded bodybuilding training with a complete strength cycle and just enough conditioning to create the ultimate athlete. Big, Strong, and Lean.
COACH: Jess Ryan
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Project Speed
A group of coaches looking to empower motivated athletes to learn the fundamentals of speed and agility training. Our training program, Speed 202, goes over movement patterns that athletes will use on the field: linear/lateral acceleration, top-end speed, change of direction, hip turns, and cutting techniques that will allow them to perform at a high level on the field.
COACHES: Chris Pascual, Ronnie Lopez, Kyle Henmi
SCHEDULE: Month-to-month
LOCATION: Remote training

Here to assist you in finding real-world nutrition solutions, for your everyday life. The DEUCE Nutrition curriculum takes an intentional look at how to best fuel your body, mind, and spirit regardless of your goals - performance, aesthetic, or otherwise.
Our 101 program outlines basic nutritional guidance based on a few universal factors and sets all students up for success and improved body composition. Nutrition 202 takes a more hands-on approach and with the support of the community, allows students the freedom to navigate their own nutrition journey. The combination of committed coaching, friendly competition, and real-time accountability makes this effort the greatest of its kind.
COACH: Logan Gelbrich, Jess Ryan, & Jun Endo
DEUCE Garage (Venice)
DEUCE Athletics (Hermosa)

The Snatch and the Clean & Jerk form a crucial part of our GPP training at DEUCE. It just so happens that these movements are also grouped under the banner of the sport known as Olympic Weightlifting. Whatever you call it, pursuing mastery in these lifts is a lifelong process that will challenge you to move better, faster, with more power at ever-improving ranges of motion. In short, DEUCE Weightlifting will make you a better athlete inside the gym and a superior mover in your regular life.
If you're looking for ways to take your output to the next level, fluency in these movements is a rewarding avenue to commit to. We tailor the sessions to you, starting with the fundamentals and pushing them as far as you're willing to go.
COACHES: Campbell Lillard
SCHEDULE: Thursday at 6:30pm
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Gymnastics will sneak up on you. It's hard on your brain and body. It can be frustrating. But it's also fun...one of the few pursuits in our busy, oh so serious lives that rewards and encourages a sense of play and exploration. There are flips!
And in the background of any gymnastics training you do, your capacity in other areas of your life will sneakily improve. Gymnastics maximizes your potential to move your body creatively through space. You'll be so busy smiling you won't notice how strong you've become.
COACHES: Campbell Lillard
SCHEDULE: Tuesday at 6:30pm
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Pain-Free Movement 101
Intro to Pain-Free Movement is an 8-week course all about OWNING movement and positions. Our goal is to give you more authorship of your movement and your life.
Since humans default to the positions they spend the most time in, this training is about optimizing positions. Here, details matter. We will focus on technically proficient movement for optimal living. We will build proficiency in functional movement patterns to increase longevity, quality of life, and performance. Midline, shoulder stability, and spinal hygiene will be prioritized. You will learn to become stable through ranges of motion previously unavailable to you; your breath will become an objective metric in owning these ranges of motion. We will also work on building an aerobic base, so you can better recover and navigate life.
COACH: Teal Montgomery
LOCATION: DEUCE Garage (Venice)

Coach's Prep
This course is a comprehensive look at the craft of coaching. It serves as framework for the deliberately developmental nature of DEUCE as a company for two reasons:
1. It's a rite of passage, and
2. Continued development.
Both are critical to our unique team of leaders to operate at the highest level of organizational structure. It's the lifeblood of the DEUCE brand.
We’ll dive into the details of imparting knowledge on an group of athletes, but Coach’s Prep also recognizes a 10,000 foot view of coaching that can help shatter the confines of a follow-the-leader mentality that is pervasive in the fitness industry today.
While Coach’s Prep is rooted in coaching movement, its application is broad and its students can expect to gain insight into coaching individuals and groups in an array of disciplines and contexts. Whether you’re programming and instructing group general physical preparedness (GPP) classes or specific movement disciplines, you’ll be outfitted with the skills to impart simple, clear, compelling communication. You’ll be able to create valuable context. Most importantly, you’ll evolve into greater leadership capacity.
COACHES: Logan Gelbrich
SCHEDULE: Indefinite
DEUCE Garage (Venice)
DEUCE Athletics (Hermosa)
Student for a least 90 days
Letter of intent
Enrollment in Coach's Prep 101 Online