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Latest Past Events
Ladies Only Bench
DEUCE Gym 110 Lincoln Blvd., VeniceLadies near and far, you’re invited! Coach Lacey is hosting women of all fitness levels for a special Ladies Only Bench Day at DEUCE Garage in Venice Beach Saturday May 14th from 1-2pm. The hour is designed to learn technique, lift some weights, and have an empowered experience. NO BOYS ALLOWED! This event is open to the ...
Powerlifting Movement Clinic
DEUCE Gym 110 Lincoln Blvd., VeniceRarely does an opportunity present itself in life to learn a craft directly from the greatest of all-time. When it comes to powerlifting, that opportunity is here. Join us May 7th at 110 Lincoln Blvd. for a Powerlifting Movement Clinic with the current holder of eight different All-Time Records, Laura Phelps. She has dominated powerlifting ...
[Specialty Course] Strongman 101 Begins
DEUCE Gym 110 Lincoln Blvd., VeniceContact Coach Meredith to enroll: meredith@deucegym.com