

Time is such a funny thing. It is a seemingly very needed tool in our lives. It helps keep us organized, it helps us know when to do things, and

All of It

When is the last time you gave everything? When is the last time you remember hearing that voice in your head that told you to slow it down, and you

Accountability and Family

This place is different. We tell people this all the time. We talk about this in our first meeting with each athlete called the ‘Intro Session’, and if you talk

DEUCE Gym Presents: FloWater

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If you have been in the office recently you have probably noticed our newest addition ever so snuggly nestled in next to the desk. We have decided to provide the

Pushing Carts

My first job that when I was sixteen was pushing carts at Sam’s Club in Overland Park, KS. We used to tie twenty carts up and spin them in the