
DEUCE Gym: Mislabeled

Let me be the first to tell you. We’ve been mislabeled. DEUCE is a strength and conditioning gym. It’s a CrossFit gym. It’s a weightlifters gym, a strongman gym, and

Front and Center Flaws

We’re lucky to play host to the worldwide phenomenon that is the WODcast Podcast. A leading podcast that takes a fun look at CrossFit and the greater functional fitness community.

The One Thing Goal Setters Forget

We got the memo. Set goals, right? Even more advanced approaches have encouraged us to set “big hairy audacious goals” (SEE: Built to Last) and to set small actionable goals

Guinea Pig Coaches

After this weekend’s strongman event, I wanted to do two things. Firstly, I wanted to thank you all for coming down and supporting me. The overwhelming amount of DEUCE people