
Graceland: Zero Unread Emails

I’m stuck in a very typical game of cat and mouse. There’s a certain ubiquitous enjoyment I think all humans share in an empty inbox. Accomplishing this task of zero

100 Reasons to Skip Class

Sometimes we need a reason or two to justify not doing what we said we were going to do. After all life does get hard. Here are a few reasons that you

No Scope? No Clarity

Perspective is tricky. Looking at anything without scope makes actually understanding what it really is quite difficult. I’ll never forget a new student to the program pulling me aside to ask how

Let’s All Agree to Be Fun

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to teach a CrossFit Strongman Seminar at Undisputed Fitness in Santa Fe, New Mexico. During the start of the seminar I had a

Decide. The Rest is History.

If there is one thing I’ve witnessed in human performance it’s that great efforts always include a distinct decision for it to be so. No one accidentally overcomes great adversity