Taunting 2014

We. Are. Back. And, we’re hungry! I started to think about the energy around the gym coming off the holiday break and this video of Jon North teaching his dynamic …
We. Are. Back. And, we’re hungry! I started to think about the energy around the gym coming off the holiday break and this video of Jon North teaching his dynamic …
“Knees out.” “Stand tall.” “Reach!” “Drive!” “Shoulders back and down.” Hearing these things will not make you stronger. I apologize. Cuing is important, don’t get me wrong. The idea is …
If there was just one thing about human movement that I could give to you as a coach, it’d be the ability to squat. I’m confident that 90% of you …
Wait, that’s not right. Of course there is. Trying, as a matter a fact, is a huge chunk of what this is all about. Think about how many different skills and …
Want to know why? Life’s too damn short. That’s why. Life’s too damn short to spend it doing meaningless work. It’s too damn short to be average. Why in the …