PODCAST: Coach Rich Hill’s Lessons from 1,100 NCAA Wins

In this episode of Hold The Standard™ Podcast, I sat down with legendary baseball coach Rich Hill to discuss the art of leadership, the power of commitment, and the mindset …
In this episode of Hold The Standard™ Podcast, I sat down with legendary baseball coach Rich Hill to discuss the art of leadership, the power of commitment, and the mindset …
There’s a dangerous thing about having a human’s mind. We get stuck on loops. I’d bet, in fact, that you’ve got some major assumptions going on in your head that …
Let me guess… you’re a creature of habit. Yes, there’s a side of you that likey thrives on some certainty and repeatable daily, weekly, processes. But, what about the fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants …
Listen, you’re going to get coached here. The simplest way to supercharge your movement-ability no matter where you are training, though, might come from an even less sophisticated approach. World-class …
Is there a shadier industry than the supplement world? Let’s say they are always a title contender. As a result, we’ve been slow to bring on supplements, despite opportunities for …