
2015: The Year of Strength

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“UGH! I’m tired of being weak. 2015 is my year!” If you haven’t said it out loud, I assure you that you’ve thought about being stronger. In fact, raise your

Leveraging Your Community for Health

Throughout history, early settlements have leveraged their communities for survival and development in areas that would be improbable any other way. Tribes, villages, and the like made tasks like finding,

Extra Ordinary Humanity

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You are an incredible piece of nature. Keep this up and you’ll have even more magic in your arsenal. Human beings are the most intelligent, capable, resilient beings on Earth.

Cardio Goals

It’s almost impossible to come from any common understanding of fitness to this kind of training and not ask, “But, what about cardio?” I hear it all the time. The

If Looks Could Intimidate

Earlier this week I had an ‘Intro Session’ with a prospective student. During the ‘Intro’ he asked whether or not the students here did lots of other activities like marathons,