
Poetry in Motion

You hear the coach’s cues and descriptions of movements. You may notice deviations from certain standards of movements, especially in beginners. Have you ever noticed two different athletes conforming to

Cleaning Under the Rug

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OK, we don’t actually have a rug here. So, what? This article is on cleaning. Nonetheless, I was doing some cleaning the other day, and I found myself on my

[VIDEO] Coaching with Style

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We often talk about with our coaches (and our student coaches) that having genuine style is critical. If you aren’t you when you coach, it’s difficult to express your potential,

Weightlifting is not a crime

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Our latest addition to the DEUCE Gym wardrobe will be a classic. The tees and tanks are simple and include our unique branding along with one simple statement: Weightlifting is

Feedback Time!

This blog, every single key stroke, is written with mind crushing, stomach turning passion for improving this gym, fake as it may be. There have been an incredibly diverse set