The Low Back Myth
There’s a stigma around low back injuries that is rooted deep inside us Americans. The shock and awe of back pain carries huge weight in our eyes, so much so …
There’s a stigma around low back injuries that is rooted deep inside us Americans. The shock and awe of back pain carries huge weight in our eyes, so much so …
“Heels down!” You hear it all the time. What’s the big deal? Every strength and conditioning coach has his/her finger on the “Heels Down” trigger at all times it seems. …
Founder of Poliquin Performance, Charles Poliquin is one of the world’s premier strength coaches. In a recent article he did the squat some justice. The squat is critical piece in …
Do you ever feel like this place is in the business of fixing people? If so, that’s either my fault for giving you that perspective or you’re fault for assuming. …
I’m notorious for being bad at warming up, stretching, mobilizing, or anything in that ballpark. The mobilization portion of the challenge, for example, was 100 times harder than dodging sugar …