Core Values Installment #3: Virtuosity
Greg Glassman, the Founder of Crossfit, defined this best when he said that virtuosity is “performing the common uncommonly well.” His reference point for this statement is the world of …
Greg Glassman, the Founder of Crossfit, defined this best when he said that virtuosity is “performing the common uncommonly well.” His reference point for this statement is the world of …
Wednesday’s (and Saturday’s) as you may well know are programmed with specific emphasis on our Dynamic Duo Partner Challenge. Given that the challenge workout is a complex of shuttle runs …
There are degrees of everything. Athletes, for example, complete a range from say a peewee basketball player all the way up to a Lebron James. Not just people, but things, …
The following article entitled, The Valsalva Maneuver, is from our friends at Lift Big Eat Big. It’s an examination at what the coaches at FFOTB often refer to as “setting …