Form & Intensity: Bonded by Peak Performance

As coaches, our goals are simple. We want safe fitness adaptations (increased performance) in our students. The cherry on top would be instilling a new bit of knowledge or skill …
As coaches, our goals are simple. We want safe fitness adaptations (increased performance) in our students. The cherry on top would be instilling a new bit of knowledge or skill …
Did you know the world’s largest test of human performance is underway, and some of your peers are taking part? Yup, that’s right. The Reebok CrossFit Games is held each …
You’ve heard us beat our drums and the “Play to win!” tag line. Surely, this challenge is not about any real tangible winnings as everyone who plays to win will …
Let’s be honest. We’re all judging the heck out of this whole exercise and nutrition experiment. Sure, maybe some (or most of it) is in a surface level, vanity type …
Though I’m not a revered philosopher by any means, I’m about to go deep with you. It seems as though there’s something undeniable about exceptional performances. Furthermore, I’d argue that …