
I am sitting here after sweeping the floor of the office at the new gym (DEUCE Gym) for at least the sixth or seventh time. We are once again tired …
I am sitting here after sweeping the floor of the office at the new gym (DEUCE Gym) for at least the sixth or seventh time. We are once again tired …
Our understanding of age and performance is wrong. If we understood it better, we’d be much more capable (in general) in our 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s than we are, …
A hilarious commercial featuring Chris Spealler, one of the fittest men on Earth, coined the sarcastic inquiry first, but I think there’s something more to it. We must not lose …
This day, April 12th, marks two years of Functional Fitness on the Bluffs in business. Exactly two years ago to the day, I watched Danny lead three brave souls through …
Sixty one committed individuals took on the Whole Life Challenge this year with us. Our community joined some 8,000 other competitors for eight weeks, tracking nutrition compliance, daily mobility, hydration, …