
GPP: A Potent Program

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I had a conversation with our resident weightlifting coach, Don Ricci (Barbell Performance), today that further engrained the potent nature of our training in my mind. Here’s Don, a man

Managing the Big One: Stress

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It seems like soreness, sleep, nutrition, and even programming take up 98% of our conversations about optimizing training. How many times have you spoken to your coaches about how to

DEUCE Garage History: Part 2

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In Part 1 of our series on the history of this facility, we talked about buried treasure – literally! We won’t be getting off topic too much in this installment,

The Intangibles

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You know, it gets a bit boring real fast when we start getting into the nitty gritty of programing, metabolic pathways, nutrient timing, and other mind numbing topics. For most

Good, Good Music

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This whole real gym thing is new to us. See, for so long, we’ve become used to the Fake Gym routine (which still rocks the house, by the way). At