Heads Up Driving (and Training)

Even if I’m driving the the car, I will immediately delegate the part of my brain that cares about directions if someone else on board takes the roll of navigator. …
Even if I’m driving the the car, I will immediately delegate the part of my brain that cares about directions if someone else on board takes the roll of navigator. …
This place is different. We tell people this all the time. We talk about this in our first meeting with each athlete called the ‘Intro Session’, and if you talk …
One of my favorite movie lines of all time is the advice that Crash Davis gives his young pitcher, Ebby Calvin “Nuke” LaLoosh, in Bull Durham. The savvy catcher tells …
Even if I told you that I don’t have a dog in the fight when it comes to what’s trending in fitness, you probably wouldn’t believe me. I’ll try anyway. …
I’ve admitted my feelings about what really influences health and fitness and, though it might not be good for business, the verdict is in. It starts in the mind, not …