Are You Specializing Your Way to Injury?

As an experienced athlete, I know my body. Without question I can point to both my biggest liabilities and biggest assets with movement for my health. News Flash: CrossFit wasn’t a …
As an experienced athlete, I know my body. Without question I can point to both my biggest liabilities and biggest assets with movement for my health. News Flash: CrossFit wasn’t a …
Growing up is a peculiar process. Confronting odd concepts like learning that your parents are regular people, find one’s place in the world, and navigating authoritarian expectations can be painful …
While the human habit of self-sacrifice rages on, I feel fortunate to deal with the motivated few. In fact, I’d be writing this from my own helicopter right now if …
DEUCE Media is continuing with its new web series, “D-E-U-C-E.” It’s much less serious and educational than, say, the Tuesday Movement Insights, but those of you that know DEUCE Gym know …
This Saturday is the first in December. That’s right, folks, December is upon us. Before you freak out about Christmas shopping and travel plans, join us for a sweat session. …