Stephen Day: Expressing Mastery

I’m writing this having just spent a magnificent evening with a group of FFOTB students and coaches. We spent the evening watching Stephen Day perform with the Venice Symphony Orchestra, …
I’m writing this having just spent a magnificent evening with a group of FFOTB students and coaches. We spent the evening watching Stephen Day perform with the Venice Symphony Orchestra, …
Us egomaniac human beings can’t wait to care about the fancy stuff. Meanwhile, it takes a monumental commitment to excellence to even bat an eye at the simple stuff. For …
The strongest person I’ve ever met, Rob Orlando, said simply, “Real strength takes a lifetime.” I mean, that’s the nature of the beast. Conditioning comes and goes. In a few …
Bullshit. I mean, I get the figure of speech, but it rarely works that way. Quite frankly, opportunity often comes as the result of a ton of knocking of your …
Our understanding of age and performance is wrong. If we understood it better, we’d be much more capable (in general) in our 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s than we are, …