Fake Gym Preps for Hibernation

With the excitement and momentum of DEUCE Gym and the onset of colder, darker times (fall/winter) on the bluffs. FFOTB will be on hiatus starting September 1st, only to come …
With the excitement and momentum of DEUCE Gym and the onset of colder, darker times (fall/winter) on the bluffs. FFOTB will be on hiatus starting September 1st, only to come …
I had an inspiring conversation with an athlete the other day about crying. For the sake of this blog I will call this athlete Suzy. This is not her real …
I didn’t workout yesterday. Well, I did, but I didn’t do what we would call a “workout.” There were no clocks or real counting. There was barely any sweat. And, …
To be honest, I spend most of my time as a coach making seemingly impossible, intimidating training feel approachable. It’s a constant down play of the intensity and “hardcore-ness” of …
What if money had no value? What would you do with your time? The common question I hear when people talk about this goes something like “If you had some …