
You Talkin’ About Reps?

Rep ranges may be one of the most misunderstood staples in the fitness arena. They are they for a specific purpose to drive a specific adaptation. Everyone in the gym

It’s Just Weather

There are things that happen in this life that you observe that you are not able to dictate. These are things that you experience, but have no control over. Weather

Hand Over the Reigns

Control. We all battle with control in our lives. We all have our own relationships with control, and life definitely has a way of testing your resolve with your own

Food Groups

America, what a place! Nutrition has not been our strong suit in the past, well, handful of decades. The amount of misinformation out there is astounding. I grew up learning

Empty Wine Holes

Collectors are quite a breed. Collecting this and that to seemingly no end. After all, who can really have all of the trinkets or baseball cards or whatever for that matter?