
Make your Bed 2!

I didn’t grow up in a house where I was made to tidy my room every day before I went to school. I, for the longest time, considered myself lucky

Voila the Viola!

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So, we always brag about how this GPP program renders a broad fitness. I continually tell people about things in there life will just become easier. Even things that are


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If you were a light, what kind of light would you be? Really think about it. Are you a flashlight, or a flood light, or a nightlight, or a streetlight?

Dominate Monday

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So, today is Sunday. It’s the greatest day of all for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it’s what I like to call, “the reset button.” It’s a

Blazing a Trail

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If you haven’t had the good fortune to meet Jimmy Sides, this is something you should put on your list. Jimmy has quite a story. I am not going to