

I read a quote the other day that was fantastic. “We all collapse a little; may it be towards each other.” -Richard Kenney We all are endowed with different skill

Extra Credit Day

I always wonder to myself what would happen if we were to coach a class as normal, but finish three or four minutes early. Maybe this day would be a

Decision Made

When is the last time you just decided to do something? I don’t mean a wishy washy, “Yeah, I will get it done, despite it being the last thing on

Clarity through the Fog

What is your mission today? How does that fit into your mission for this week? For this month? For this year? I am not speaking about goals, I am speaking

Dig, Dig, Dig

Are you doing your mobility? Are you taking your Fish Oil? Are you drinking enough water daily? Are you getting your rest? I know that you want a faster mile