
Burnt Coffee

Ah! What the hell! How does that EVEN happen?! I HATE EVERYONE! This may be something you have experienced. I definitely have had this experience. Something so simple, and yet

The Best Day

As I lay here with my five day old daughter on my chest sound asleep, and her beautiful mother by my side, which by the way is the definition of


“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” — Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist I am a huge fan of this statement. I believe that there is a lot there. The first thing

That’s Your Step!

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I read a book called “Living Big” by Pam Grout. Its a phenomenal book, and it has a ton of little motivational stories in it. I wanted to highlight one

HUGE small things

It’s always the small things. I feel like we all get caught up in trying to make the big change, and forget what actually makes the big change. It’s all