
Exposing Mechanical Advantages

When’s the last time you missed a front squat three inches before lock out? For me the answer is zero times. I’m open to exceptions to this observation, but as

Removing “Slack” in Learning

I’ve written before about sub-optimal learning environments. When it comes to learning, you don’t need to get too far down the rabbit hole to realize that not all training and

Fear Elected Mayor

Fear runs the show in many minds. Just last week I heard a Green Beret member of Delta Force talk about a deployment in which he was responsible for the

The Dynamics of Power

Be careful. Our mind is quick to assume that power is taken. Consider the opposite. Power is given. Don’t believe me? The entire cast of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Hedging For Your Pitfalls

What would make accomplishing your training goals difficult? What would make getting in the gym a challenge? We all have these challenges. Is it work? Is it a waning motivation?