
A Caveat to S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The kindergarten of goal setting techniques. Yea, I said it. You’re not blowing the doors off your life just because you drop something specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound on

DEUCE Staff Welcomes Jess Ryan

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After attending the Hold the Standard™ Summit in Sydney, Australia and traveling to Venice Beach for two separate Intern tours, Jess Ryan has officially joined the team at DEUCE Gym!

Attention to Detail is Sexy

You’d think there are a lot of important things to take care of when you’re fighting a war. And, there are, but I was surprised to read the following quote

Bathing in Make Believe

I’ll never forget during the buildout of our Venice Beach location all the coaches did a lunchtime workout. The idea was to break up all the painting, construction, and odds