Happy Independence Day

**No classes in celebration of our freedom in the Unites States** It’s officially summer and one day each year is devoted specifically to recognizing that we get to walk around …
**No classes in celebration of our freedom in the Unites States** It’s officially summer and one day each year is devoted specifically to recognizing that we get to walk around …
Chances are you are on one of two sides of the fence as you are reading this: 1) You’ve rekindled your love for refined sugar and prolonged sitting or 2) …
-No Class for the Holiday- This time of year is made great in large part by the efforts we make to reflect. When I take time to reflect on this …
Each year in honor of what we call “No Man’s Land,” or the time between Christmas and New Years, we play host to a bowling night. It’s our hope that …
This is the time of year that people gather with those that they love and spend time together. The holidays are a great time, a time to celebrate those people …