
Everything But

**5:30 PM Class will meet at DEUCE Gym** I spent yesterday morning at the courthouse. Yup, yours truly had to stand before a judge. I guess I can’t talk it

The Top 2 Posture Mistakes

Let’s be honest. Even if you’re one of the select few individuals that works out regularly, you’re only doing so for a handful of hours each week. Most, if not

Memorial Day Tribute: Matthew Abbate

*5:30 PM class CANCELED to honor Memorial Day*   United States Marine, Sergeant Matthew T. Abbate, of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based

No Choice But Efficiency

There’s something beautiful about being cornered. I mean, if it’s for something positive it’s great. You’ve got only one option. And, that is to do the thing. Take this blog,