
Cleaning Under the Rug

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OK, we don’t actually have a rug here. So, what? This article is on cleaning. Nonetheless, I was doing some cleaning the other day, and I found myself on my

The Team Sport Element

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Walking through the gate at 110 Lincoln Blvd, we all feel a bit of those tingly, sports-related feelings. A couple things are inevitable, one of which is that we have

Removing the Ceiling

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Each Friday evening, the coaches and coaches-in-training meet to practice, debate, and discuss the elements and ideas that make up our training. It’s these meetings and a specific talk that

Veteran’s Day at DEUCE

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On this Veteran’s Day we’d like to give our attention to those that are committed to defending our country in the face of danger. Every single day, men and women

Fitness without Limitation

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During our “Intro Session,” we ask prospective students three questions. One of which is, “If you were to wake up tomorrow with your version of perfect fitness, what would that