
[VIDEO] The Pursuit of Flow

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If it’s easy, it’s boring. Dropping your balled up scrap paper into the wastebasket is not fun. It’s too easy. Take twelve steps back, bet your buddy a Coca Cola

Being a Closer

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Yesterday I wrote about trying. I meant what I said. But, let’s be honest, trying is half the battle. Finishing, though, is a different story. Finishing is where it’s at.

“It’s a great day to be..”

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While playing baseball in college, our head coach, Rich Hill, had many sayings. One of which we often laughed at and later would be caught repeating was, “It’s a great

Learning Motivation

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Here’s the deal. We are a bunch of civilians learning to move and claim our own fitness. We (except Efren) are not professional athletes. In that way, one could understand