
Voila the Viola!

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So, we always brag about how this GPP program renders a broad fitness. I continually tell people about things in there life will just become easier. Even things that are

The Flags You Salute

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Which flags do you salute? What I mean, most directly, is to who or what do you give loyalty, defend, and represent? We all have different things to claim. Some

What’s in an interval?

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Well, there’s rest in an interval, of course. That is obvious from the outset, but the practice of interval training might not be so obvious. Arguably a better answer to the question

Skill Session: The Muscle Up

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Is there a more coveted movement than the pesky muscle up? This high skill movement is a source of both pride and frustration for many athletes. If the muscle up is

Master the Simple to Get the Sexy

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Everyone will want to perform their best today. Many of you will reach a place, however, where your desire to succeed will surpass you’re ability to execute. It’s extremely frustrating.