
“Crush Cancer” Practice

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You’ve heard us ranting and raving about this for weeks now. There’s about two weeks left of fundraising, and though we’ve done an excellent job so far ($3,311) as a

One Photo, A Hundred Stories

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Look at the image below. I took it this past Saturday during ‘Skills and Drills’ and it may be my favorite DEUCE photo in existence. The photo looks cool and

Idealists: 1 – Realists: 0

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This isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned this. But, I am of the belief that if you can grasp the message presented above by A Man’s Search for Meaning author, Viktor

Live Easy, Avoid Commitment

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Do you know what the easiest thing one can do? Avoid commitment. That’s it. It doesn’t matter what it is, commitment means responsibility. And, responsibility is hard. Commitment induces a