
Athlete See, Athlete Do

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Though I’ve made similar reference to this before, the idea that we constantly mimicking those around us shouldn’t be forgotten. Maybe I’m a severe case, but, for me, “mimicking” or


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When, you ask? Well, when the timing’s right, of course. When I’ve got my finances sorted. After this week. I’ve got to just get through this week. In other words,

Introducing Estancia Beef

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If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I can appreciate a good steak. I’m excited to announce that we’ll be partnering with Estancia Beef to offer the Primals

Save Emotion, Aerobic vs. Anaerobic

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I’ve borrowed the lists below from renown endurance coach, Brian Mackenzie, and his course on endurance sport. The list outlines the pros and cons of both aerobic training and anaerobic