Poetic Justice

There’s a trembling vibration moving through the planet at the moment. We know remarkable change comes with discomfort and pain. As expected, this moment in history is no different. That …
There’s a trembling vibration moving through the planet at the moment. We know remarkable change comes with discomfort and pain. As expected, this moment in history is no different. That …
When you hear that term dehumanization it can feel grandiose and far away. It feels not just evil, but unrelatable. At least, those are some of the adjectives that come …
The charter we hold here at DEUCE is to be a house of learning. In many ways, we view DEUCE as an ecosystem of coaches and facilities where one can …
Most of us had it pretty good before the COVID-19 crisis. Hell, we still have it good. Nonetheless, the feeling of rebuilding is nearly universal right now, especially as things come out …
If I squint my eyes, I can understand the mix up. Many of the things in our lives have clear properties of matter. From science, we know extensive properties vary …