Cut The Slack

Labeling your problems doesn’t solve your problems. (Please reread that sentence.) As you’ve familiarized yourself over the past three weeks with all the things you can and can’t do during …
Labeling your problems doesn’t solve your problems. (Please reread that sentence.) As you’ve familiarized yourself over the past three weeks with all the things you can and can’t do during …
We opened this discussion by laying out a troubling scenario in Part 1. Everyone is running and almost no one is aware that they’re missing the standard (or what the standard …
In middle school, I wrote an email to Reggie Waller. It felt like a letter. Back then things were opposite. Mail was annoying and emails were exciting. Maybe it was …
My favorite section of the newspaper as a kid was the real estate section. I was fascinated. My brother would be devouring the sports section and I was looking at …
We’re been diligently working behind the scenes to bring the world, and specifically our students, the most remarkable training experience possible at this time. We’re proud to present a massive …