
Crush Cancer 2013

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Once a year we take part in one charity event. This is it. Rather than spread our efforts thin across a handful of different causes, we’re setting up to open

Managing the Big One: Stress

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It seems like soreness, sleep, nutrition, and even programming take up 98% of our conversations about optimizing training. How many times have you spoken to your coaches about how to

Being the Classmate You Want

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Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got an idea. Here it goes. We all, students and coaches alike, show up to 110 Lincoln for some version of the same goal. We all

Training Tears

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I had an inspiring conversation with an athlete the other day about crying. For the sake of this blog I will call this athlete Suzy. This is not her real

Greasing the Groove

I didn’t workout yesterday. Well, I did, but I didn’t do what we would call a “workout.” There were no clocks or real counting. There was barely any sweat. And,