
DEUCE Gym Grand Opening!

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We’ve been primping and preparing, and the Grand Opening party is finally here. This Saturday October 19th we will be celebrating each other and this unique space with live music,

The Overhead Squat: True Function

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The title of this one should say, ‘The Overhead Squat: True Function and No Bullshit’ but, hey, that’s not nice. It’s pretty accurate, though. The overhead squat is arguably the

One Photo, A Hundred Stories

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Look at the image below. I took it this past Saturday during ‘Skills and Drills’ and it may be my favorite DEUCE photo in existence. The photo looks cool and

Live Easy, Avoid Commitment

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Do you know what the easiest thing one can do? Avoid commitment. That’s it. It doesn’t matter what it is, commitment means responsibility. And, responsibility is hard. Commitment induces a