
Going Long: A Time and a Place

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What we know about anaerobic training is that it decreases body fat and increases cardiovascular function, muscle mass, strength, power, speed, aerobic capacity, capillarization, and mitochondrial growth. You can’t anaerobically

CrossFit Games Open: We Won!

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As you probably know by now, over the past five weeks we’ve been taking part in the Reebok Crossfit Games Open. It’s a worldwide invitational fitness competition that serves as

Could This Be… Fun?

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Twice yesterday I heard a couple of our women at the gym (at different times of day) mention that the workout was “fun.” I took notice because, if you saw

Barbell Perspective

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Perspective is everything, isn’t it? I love the ebb and flow of perspective, especially when it comes to strength and conditioning. Different views can get us in the gym to