
A New Student; Empathy

Boy, I never would have imagined in 10,000 years that I’d be spending any time in a place like THIS. “Just show up,” that’s what I keep telling myself. I

An Every Day Person

The problem with real life is that it’s boring. The every–day-ness of it is monotonous and, even in the most captivating people’s lives, under-whelmingly regular. Before you get defensive and tell me

Buying in to Uncertainty

First and foremost, you’ll always be looked after here. Furthermore, the conversation with your coach will almost always be one of pulling back the reigns from load and intensity towards

Normalizing Failure Since 2011

A former professor of mine whom I respect a great deal and I talked about the concept normalizing failure at great lengths and I immediately recognized it in our own

Comfort in the Cold

For the past several months I’ve been fortunate enough to take a mental break from the one mile radius around the gym that I call home to travel up the