Team Traffic

As I was sitting in traffic the other day, I had a crazy thought. I was listening to all of these people honk at each other with the occasional middle …
As I was sitting in traffic the other day, I had a crazy thought. I was listening to all of these people honk at each other with the occasional middle …
Full confession here. I have a guilty pleasure and I rarely talk about it. It’s an achievement for me, but the real benefactor is you the athlete. It’s a place. …
The long game is what we are after around here. We talk all the time about our ‘Intro Session’ and its value in your training journey. This place is not …
Have you ever been fishing? Have you wanted to be like Jimmy John Shark? Do you know the goal for everyone is not only to catch the biggest fish? Sometimes …
Are you in control of your breath? Are you in control of the focal point of your eyes? When you move, do you think about these things? Think about squatting. …