Core Values Installment #6: Safety
Out on the bluff, we are typically the focus of many patrons attention. Some have never seen a female with a barbell over her head. Furthermore, some have never seen …
Out on the bluff, we are typically the focus of many patrons attention. Some have never seen a female with a barbell over her head. Furthermore, some have never seen …
I was sitting here trying to come up with words that sum up passion. To me it is a color. To me, it’s a bright red, a tremendous warmth, and …
Even as an athlete, I wasn’t one to aspire to be someone else. I never had a player to emulate or wanted to “be like Mike.” There is, however, quite …
I’ll be the first to tell you, especially in the last year and a half of FFOTB’s existence, that there’s nothing more powerful than a group of passionate people. Well, …
Greg Glassman, the Founder of Crossfit, defined this best when he said that virtuosity is “performing the common uncommonly well.” His reference point for this statement is the world of …