The Sway
Our schedule at FFOTB offers some flexibility. Even students with memberships are able to choose which classes they’ll come to and which classes they’ll skip. There are Pros and Cons …
Our schedule at FFOTB offers some flexibility. Even students with memberships are able to choose which classes they’ll come to and which classes they’ll skip. There are Pros and Cons …
Last week I introduced my experiment with a nutritional strategy called Carb Backloading. Chances are it was the gross amounts of pizza and ice cream that perked your interest about …
“Legs again?!” Yes, legs again. And, here’s why: Look down. Chances are you’ve got two points of contact with the ground. Yup, those are your feet. At this fitness school …
Is there something that you’re after? I mean, not necessarily with regards to training. I just mean in general. Do you have some master plan? A big fat goal? I …
Boy, do I have some news for you all. I, Logan Gelbrich, Johnny #CleanAthlete have been doing some dietary experimentation. I’ll explain further, but I’ve been intentionally eating donuts, ice …