
Blazing a Trail

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If you haven’t had the good fortune to meet Jimmy Sides, this is something you should put on your list. Jimmy has quite a story. I am not going to

Skill, Meet Strength

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If you had some cheese, tomato sauce, dough, and fresh spices you’d have all the ingredients you’d need to make a pizza. Having the ingredients isn’t everything that’s required to

Class: The Responsibility

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What does class feel like to you amongst your list of activities? Is it a chore or another “to do?” Is it a bonus? Is exercise a treat, or a

Being a Closer

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Yesterday I wrote about trying. I meant what I said. But, let’s be honest, trying is half the battle. Finishing, though, is a different story. Finishing is where it’s at.

Day 56

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The subtle undertone for the past eight weeks has included emotions of wonder, excitement, motivation, failure, and constant learning. Tomorrow marks the end of the Whole Life Challenge. One hundred