
You Don’t Have a Choice

The juxtaposition of how critical and how corny this stuff can be kills me sometimes. I’ve always maintained that everything that’s corny is also true. It’s my view that you don’t have a

Getting Strong Isn’t About Adding Mass

Strength is often defined as the maximal contractile force produced by a muscle group. Surely, this can be one particular definition. Since, however, we are living in the real world, we aren’t concerned

Holding the Standard on the Road

This past Saturday I was fortunate enough to head south to watch the DEUCE Gym community shine away from home. Karis Schnieder, Emily Russak, Mark Stanwyck, and Nick King decided

Stay Gold

Today I thought about having to describe a close friend. I wondered to myself, “Why is he of such value to me?” To be honest naming accolades, his career, or