
Eat Your Dessert

NEWS FLASH! Life isn’t black and white. This time of year is one giant logical fallacy for people especially surrounding their health and fitness. Since life isn’t black and white,

“Extreme Ownership”

I’m flying through a book I’ve looked forward to reading for weeks now called “Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win.” It’s not a shoot ’em up thriller,

110 Lincoln Blvd: Just Us

The steel grinding against the chain as the garage door is wheeled up would be the first notable sound of the morning. It wouldn’t be nearly as early as regular

A Simple Strategy to Gym Success

Let’s be frank. Most fitness success and failure hinges on compliance. If you show up and contribute an effort consistently and indefinitely, you’d be hard pressed to find anything but

Maximize Gains with Limiting Factors

Knowing your limiting factors can help create the shortest route possible to your genetic potential. Limiting factors are our weak links. All the arm strength, trunk stability, and flexibility in